This was one of Groveville Fire Company’s teams from 1961, Wow that was a long time ago, where did the time go.
Every Friday night the Mercer County Fireman’s Bowling League bowled at the White Horse Bowling Academy. Almost every fire company in Mercer County sponsored at least one or two teams of bowlers, Groveville had two.
I remember Crosswicks Fire Company only needed one team, because they had Fred Hendrickson. He threw the ball so hard the pins did not need to be hit; they just got out of the way.
We had more fun, just getting together with people with the same interest. As bowlers go I was considered poor and still am today, but who cared, we had fun.
It was not only a time for the firemen to get together, but wives and girlfriends would show up and it was a chance for everyone to go out after bowling, for most of us it was a chance for a few drinks and pizza on a Friday night.
At the end of the season there was always an awards banquet, another chance to get together.
I believe these chances to get together for fun gave us a chance to get to know other fireman from all over Mercer County and this helped us work together better in an emergency.
It was amazing how we could get together, laugh, have fun and enjoy each other’s company, yet get very serious if there were an emergency and work so hard together, I learned so much about life and people being in the fire company.
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