This is a photo of Dolores Simpson Straley and Bertha Stout, skating on Groveville Mill Pond, February, 1938. From the stories my parents and the older men at the firehouse told, a lot of fun was had at the pond, from Skating, Sledding on the “Indian Trail” that took you right out on to the pond, to the good fishing in the summer time. Too bad the pond dam was never rebuilt, even though Ray Dwier tried to get it through, under the Green Acres Program, it never made it. What a great recreation area that would have been.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Skating on Groveville Mill Pond
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Bell, Groveville United Methodist Church
The bell, manufactured by the Cincinnati Bell Foundry Company, is one of several companies manufacturing bells in Cincinnati, Ohio.
I remember my father, Ken Lippincott, along with Pete Taylor, Cy Atkins, and Ed Shelton making a weekend project of cleaning and repairing the inside of the belfry. I was just a kid and only allowed to watch, not help, this really didn’t bother me and I really did not want to help. I do remember the odor of what they shoveled out was very acrid, kind of what I remember from my grandfather’s chicken coup. They fastened “Chicken Wire” around the inside to keep the pigeons out, since then new heavier duty wire fencing has been installed, that’s progress.
As a child growing up in Groveville, it seem that every one of the men were hunters, this meant that most of the men had Hound Dogs. These dogs were kept in the back yards, in either pens or tethered to dog houses. On Sunday Mornings when the bell was rang to announce the start of church all of the dogs of Groveville would howl in unison. They would not stop howling until the ringing stopped, it was a beautiful choir.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Groveville Fire Company's New Dodge - 1935
The top photo is Groveville Fire Company’s brand new Dodge Pumper. This is the dedication parade. The person taking the photo was standing across from the Groveville Elementary School, in front of the Rollings house, which has since been torn down. They were facing down the hill towards Yardville; the house in the background is the one on the hill above Church Street and Zachary Lane.
The writing on the back of the photo says “Dedication Day – New engine climbing Groveville Hill. Ray Dwier, Chief Driver, Driving, October 19, 1935.”
Also written on the back is “Dickey Swope behind mudguard”. (what's a "Mudguard?)
The bottom photo says on the back “Dedication Parade, American Legion, Hamilton Square Post. Marching up Groveville Hill”
These photos were developed February 4 1936
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Groveville Elementary School - 1932

I knew someone would come through, Linda showed the photo to her Mom, Mabel Becker LeJambre and she recognized a few, even though this group is older than she is.
The girl, second from the right in the all white dress is Gert Stout
The girl to the left of my Mom, second row short, with short blond hair is Peggie Shelton, the tall girl to the right of my Mom in the second row is Virginia Herbert. The boy in the second row all the way to the right, next to the fence pole is William "Bill" Straley.
The boy,third row, second from the right, next to a girl, is Roy "Smut' Champion.
I believe the boy, top row, second from the left, is Edward Shelton.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Naomi Rollings
Here she is standing in front of her house across from the Groveville Elementary School, the house is no longer there.