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2nd annual Groveville & Yardville Reunion Saturday, September 10 at 1:00pm at Alstarz Sports Pub (alstarzsportspub.com), Bordentown, NJ 08505

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Memorial Day Festivities

Memorial Day has always been a big deal in Groveville, even back when it was known as Decoration Day. Groveville is no different than any other small town, Yardville, Crosswicks, Allentown, and Hamilton Square, we all embrace the chance to honor our veterans that allow us the opportunity to celebrate Memorial Day.

Our Memorial Day Parade this year will be our 138th annual celebration and parade. It was a special and exciting time. As a child in Groveville, it was something to look forward to. All of the children would decorate their bikes with flags and Red, White, and Blue Crape Paper and ride them in the parade. The bikes and floats would be judged at the judging stand, in front of the Community House. Very few children watched the parade; most of them were in it, everyone belonged to a group, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Methodist Youth Fellowship, Indian Guides (a pre-Boy Scout group), Junior Fireman, or the gang just ridding their bikes.

Gary Lippincott ~ 1949

Church Street ~ Parade Ready

Wilbur Reynolds ~ Last minute flag adjustments

The Crowd Gathering ~ Lester Johnson (seated), Shirley Wright DiGenova (orange), Ruth McEmoyl Knight (stripes)

Groveville Fire Company 1965

Groveville Fire Company 1948 ~ First year with the new uniforms

Groveville Ladies Auxiliary ~ 1948

It all begins on the Sunday before Memorial Day when the men of the fire company and the ladies of the auxiliary would meet at the fire house, in uniform, and march up Main Street, to Church Street, to the Methodist Church for the annual Memorial Day Church Service to honor the veterans and those that serve the community.


The Parade Beginning

Commander Tom H. Atkins, USN (Ret.)

The Trucks of Groveville Through the Years

Gary Lippincott

The members of the Groveville Volunteer Fire Company would spend every night for a week before the parade, meticulously cleaning the trucks and equipment, touching up chipped paint, shinning chrome and paint. All of the equipment is removed and cleaned and polished. All of the hose is removed, cleaned and repacked, so all the folds in the hose are even. Even painting the tires with black tire paint and painting the lettering on the trucks tires with silver paint. We had fun doing it and enjoyed every minute of it. We also prayed there would be no calls till after the parade. This is the only payment a Volunteer Fireman gets; the chance to put on a fresh pressed uniform, bring out meticulously cleaned and polished apparatus, and march passed the community they serve and have that community applaud, cheer, and whistle their thanks and approval. That’s all we ever asked for.


Some of the Bands

Steinert Band

Nottingham Band


The Floats and Marchers

Nancy Lipton And Ashley Lipton

Kati Lippincott And Meagan Lipton


The Annual Ceremony in The Cemetary


It was a different time, The Mill was closed, Dad didn’t have go to work, people didn’t go away for the day, they stayed home and enjoyed the festivities at home. People walked around town, just enjoying each others company and the great feeling of “Community”, that living in Groveville provided.

In the afternoon, on the baseball field behind the Community House and Fire House there was an afternoon of games for kids and I seem to remember some type of food served. Being a Methodist Church in Groveville it was most likely a covered dish type of meal. The activities lasted most of the afternoon.


The Groveville Baseball Team ~ Circa 1950

In the late afternoon there was always a Baseball game between the Groveville Fire Company Team and a team from Yardville. After the organization of the Yardville First Aid Squad this became the tradition.

Some of this tradition is still carried on today, as each Sunday before Memorial Day, at the Groveville Methodist Church, we honor the Veterans that allow us to worship as we please, also the Firemen, EMT and Rescue workers, both Hamilton Twp. Police and State Police, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Girl Scouts, all that serve to make life better are honored. All of these groups are represented at our service.

As I grew older and looked back at Memorial Day in Groveville as a child, it reminded me of something Norman Rockwell would have painted.


Leonard Greco said...

This is terrific, I haven't seen , or really given much thought, to the Groveville of my childhood in a good 25 years. I have tried to explain how simple ad rural my upbringing was, these charming photographs bring back many happy memories.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, my name is Jim Freund, I joined Yardville FAS in 1980, I was 17/y/o and provided volunteer services until 1989,
Continued both paid and Volunteer ever since.
I know the squad was burnt down and no longer is in operation.
I, as well as many others would love to put together another replacement to help residents have free ambulance services provided for free to the residents of Yardville, Mercer County.
The nasty political environment sucks, but if we can look past those and reach a consensus to push these lamé Democracies drown, we will beat these idiots. Look at Biden !